A Normal Day??

What's that?

I can tell you that, by default, "normal" means something different for everyone. And sometimes normal isn't, well, normal. Depends on who you're asking. 
Some people prefer chaos. Thrive on it actually.

Me? I prefer normal. Routine. Predictable. Typical. 
Days where I have a set schedule: 
mornings = writing
lunch = hubby
afternoons = catching up on household chores or marketing.

Lately, life is anything but normal. 
But that's OK. Because...

God orchestrates circumstances and events to order my day. 
If I had gone to Target instead of agreeing to keep a sick grandchild, would I have been involved in the auto accident that occurred about the same time I would have been there? Hmmm...

Have you considered how He might cause your day to go off track ~off your track, not His~ so you could have a normal day? 

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)

Thank You, God, for overriding my plans. Help me not to be irritated at the change in my day, but, rather, to welcome and to praise You for it.

Has God orchestrated circumstances or events in your life so you could experience a normal day?

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Fiction Faith & Foodies: A Normal Day??

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Normal Day??

What's that?

I can tell you that, by default, "normal" means something different for everyone. And sometimes normal isn't, well, normal. Depends on who you're asking. 
Some people prefer chaos. Thrive on it actually.

Me? I prefer normal. Routine. Predictable. Typical. 
Days where I have a set schedule: 
mornings = writing
lunch = hubby
afternoons = catching up on household chores or marketing.

Lately, life is anything but normal. 
But that's OK. Because...

God orchestrates circumstances and events to order my day. 
If I had gone to Target instead of agreeing to keep a sick grandchild, would I have been involved in the auto accident that occurred about the same time I would have been there? Hmmm...

Have you considered how He might cause your day to go off track ~off your track, not His~ so you could have a normal day? 

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)

Thank You, God, for overriding my plans. Help me not to be irritated at the change in my day, but, rather, to welcome and to praise You for it.

Has God orchestrated circumstances or events in your life so you could experience a normal day?

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