Our four-year-old grandson calls his daycare friends "his peoples." His accent is so cute with that North Carolina twang, that I admit to asking him about his "peoples" every time I pick him up from daycare just to hear him say it. :)
Whenever we talk about his "peoples," my mind wanders to my "peoples" or my friends all over the world on social media. In case you didn't know, I'm a big fan of Twitter, second favorite only to Pinterest. I appreciate that Twitter allows follows without the obligatory follow back, unlike Facebook's friend policy. Also, the 140 character limit and the list option makes for quick scrolling at different intervals throughout the day.
Recently, I was using JustUnfollow.com to purge followers who immediately unfollow me or folks I follow who choose not to follow back for whatever reason. But, I must confess that I have never cleaned out my "inactive" followers, those people who haven't been active on twitter for three months or more.
Yowza! The list was so long. I probably spent an hour "unfollowing" and I hadn't made it to the bottom. Crazy.
Some didn't surprise me. Maybe they just decided that Twitter was one too many distractions, or they'd only tweeted a few times and Twitter just wasn't for them. But what did surprise me was the number of inactive users who had ten or twenty thousand or more followers.
What happened to all my peoples?
Why would they abandon a Twitter account with such an impressive platform? I could only conclude that something traumatic happened in their lives, whether it was death, illness, or job loss. Who knows, but this process made me sad, and I found myself praying over the profiles.
Finishing that task will have to wait for another day. And it just might take me four more years to get it under control.
How do you feel about Twitter? How often do you purge your inactive followers or have you put that off like me? What's your favorite social media hangout?
Labels: justunfollow.com, Pinterest, purge inactive followers, social media, twitter, unfollowers