Staring at a Blank Screen?

You type "The End" and smile,
relief mingling with renewed energy. You did it!
Now what?
What do you do when a blank computer screen stares back at you?
Where do you turn for ideas and inspiration? 
Who better than the Creator of the Universe?

Chat with God. Praise Him. Worship at His feet. 
Marvel at His handiwork: a sunrise or spectacular sunset, tree limbs that sway with a gentle breeze, funny animals. God has such an imagination and a sense of humor. Why not ask Him for a spark, just a speck of sand from His creative well? Then, leave it up to Him and open your mind to His possibilities. 

So, where can you find ideas to fill an entertaining, action-packed story? 
Scour newspapers, magazines, and books 
Soak up your favorite television shows 
Browse through news articles and local news sites 
Wade through files and notes, research online 
Consider life experiences: weddings, funerals, jobs, family issues, hobbies, etc. 

Eventually, a story event or character will take hold of your head and capture your heart. 

Are you staring at a blank screen? Where do you dig for ideas?

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Fiction Faith & Foodies: Staring at a Blank Screen?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Staring at a Blank Screen?

You type "The End" and smile,
relief mingling with renewed energy. You did it!
Now what?
What do you do when a blank computer screen stares back at you?
Where do you turn for ideas and inspiration? 
Who better than the Creator of the Universe?

Chat with God. Praise Him. Worship at His feet. 
Marvel at His handiwork: a sunrise or spectacular sunset, tree limbs that sway with a gentle breeze, funny animals. God has such an imagination and a sense of humor. Why not ask Him for a spark, just a speck of sand from His creative well? Then, leave it up to Him and open your mind to His possibilities. 

So, where can you find ideas to fill an entertaining, action-packed story? 
Scour newspapers, magazines, and books 
Soak up your favorite television shows 
Browse through news articles and local news sites 
Wade through files and notes, research online 
Consider life experiences: weddings, funerals, jobs, family issues, hobbies, etc. 

Eventually, a story event or character will take hold of your head and capture your heart. 

Are you staring at a blank screen? Where do you dig for ideas?

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At September 15, 2011 at 8:27 PM , Blogger Julie Coulter Bellon said...

As an international romantic suspense writer I get a lot of my ideas from newspapers around the world. My idea for my newest novel came from a newspaper article about the Malacca Strait and how valuable it is for the world economy. But, I thought to myself, what if terrorists detonated a dirty bomb in it? And what if an international journalist was caught up in the incident. And my book was born. :)

Anyway, great post! I really enjoyed it. *fellow romantic suspense campaginer waving to you*

At September 16, 2011 at 8:29 AM , Blogger Dora Hiers said...

Hey Julie. Wow! Sounds like a great book, my cup of tea! I'll head on over to your place to check it out.

Two of my books germinated from news articles, the third from a dream. It's so cool how God plants seeds. Thanks for stopping by, Julie.

At September 16, 2011 at 9:57 AM , Blogger Marianne Evans said...

Hi, Dora!! Having just completed my WIP and sent it to my editor, the only remedy for 'the wait' is to wrote. I have general plotlined for my next project, a series, but after prayer for Gods direction and voice on what comes next, I get busy doing the work...fleshing out characters, conflict and outlining the story. The point is to keep up forward progress and continue the mission. God bless and great post!!!

At September 16, 2011 at 10:00 AM , Blogger Marianne Evans said...

PS - sorry for the type-o ridden reply....I'm on my BlackBerry and hate the keys!!! LOL!

At September 16, 2011 at 10:16 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Good places to look for inspiring ideas for writing. As a devotional writer, I do my Bible reading carefully attuned to what God is saying to me. He's always faithful to give me 'life lessons' to write about! He IS worthy of all our praise! Have a blessed weekend, Dora!

At September 16, 2011 at 3:31 PM , Blogger Dora Hiers said...

Hey Marianne! Thanks! Keep on trucking until God holds up the detour sign. Love it! Thanks for stopping by.

Hi Maria. LOVE that! And I so enjoy your blog "Life Lessons." What an appropriate title. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoy a Son-filled weekend, too!


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